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 Netiquette on this Site
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1186 Posts
Posted - 07/25/2004 :  22:56:55  Show Profile  Visit Spud's Homepage  Reply with Quote
A few things to say to new members as well as old...

First, to new members... Welcome! We are always looking for new blood in this forum and appreciate your comments and questions.

Second, to new members... Please try and read back in the forums to find answers to your questions before asking new ones. We have been around for awhile and have pretty much "been there - done that" in our discussions and you will most likely find your answers in these other areas.

I suggest that you use the search function and type in a few keywords related to your query.

Third, to existing or experienced members... Please be patient with new site visitors. Keep in mind that we only recently started diverting all traffic from the site to the /forums page.

We have a pretty good search engine ranking when searching for "free lotto" or "free lottos" and this means that we will receive a lot of newbies. Please respect this and treat them like you would want to be treated if you were new to the free lotto world.

I'm not about to name names or point fingers... just please think about this for a few minutes and you should understand what I am talking about. We all talked about getting new members... let's educate them instead of "flipping them the bird".

Thank you... I will now crawl back into the hole where I came from.

Cheers to all and happy summer!


PS. Netiquette means "Net Etiquette". This most often refers to how you converse or "carry yourself" on the internet. The biggest "beef" with netiquette is from those that type in ALL CAPS - this is usually considered yelling and should be kept to a minimum.

We all must nicely convey this message to newbies in the off chance that we are dealing with innocent visitors who may have vision problems or other handicaps... Everyone at least deserves the right to explain themselves before yeling back.

We are all at peace with ourselves - no?

Super Member

360 Posts
Posted - 07/26/2004 :  13:46:01  Show Profile  Send mjp65 an instant message  Reply with Quote

I hope we still allowed to have a little fun?

* I wonder if he was pointing finger and talking about me. *

Michael PaluchGo to Top of Page

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11 Posts
Posted - 07/27/2004 :  19:34:11  Show Profile  Visit Redmax's Homepage  Send Redmax a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Dictated by Redmax
Written by her dgtr...

Thank You Spud!
I had just checked back on this site to ensure that you had respected my wish to be deleted inclusive.
I am happy that you took the time to explain as you refered to it as: Netiquette.
There are people who have some or many barriers that would enjoy using this forum for whatever they feel the lottos/scams etc. These barriers can include language and even as you had put it Vision impairments which leaves them with no other alternative but to use CAPS when typing to enable them to see.
I appreciate you addressing your more experienced members and defending the 'new' and 'innocent' ones whom more than likely do not know all the rules?
As I proceeded to read a new posting by a fella overseas re. a Scam I was dismayed once again to see it followed up by a certain 'rude as CAPS' member who continues to feel the need to correct or out right dictate.
This type of behaviour and follow up for new members is extremely disturbing as Lottolottos from what was explained to me by a friend 'an open forum' which does allow and include simple human err & complicated handicaps.
Once again, thank you for clearing the air and pointing the finger?
Unfortunately, in my case it may be too late.
Thank you Spud,
p.s. I do not see any reason for any one of your long term members to be calling anyone names ie. Ass...what is that all about and Why is that even allowed?
Good luck in your future endeavours.

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